Stay Motivated With Your English Learning!

Proactiveness is the best way to go about fulfilling goals. The same applies, I strongly believe, to English learning.

You are very familiar with this scenario: you are a non-native English speaker that knows you could do better with your English performance but somehow you are too busy with other things to invest time for self-studying or attending a language course. Now, you also familiar with that scenario as well: you work for a company that English is becoming the norm and your Manager wants you to attend an English course for your own and the company’s good. You “have to” attend a course or take private coaching to be in line with the company’s requirements.

But….are you really motivated to improve your English under such circumstances? Some rediscover their love of English through such cases. Others, simply don’t.

A company, a team leader will communicate to you that it is time to improve your English. This is good, however, how do you know it’s time to beef up your English if it’s not just fulfilling business requirements? What drives you to not just use English but really enjoy and be confident with it in general?

From a decade’s experience as an English Language Coach for Professionals, I will let you in on a little secretThe moment a person discovers the motivation, the real motivation for devoting time to learn/improve their language skills, they are in for a treat! They will be enjoying and learning the whole way! Motivation is the key to anything I can think of, and it applies perfectly to learning a language as well.

I am certain all the above you have heard or read before, so let’s get more specific. You know it’s time to beef up your English simply because you have motivation for something else that somehow is related to English, one way or another. Here’s a list of possible reasons that are clear definers that beefing up your English is a definite yes.

You desire to

  • have better international collaborations with international partners.
  • discuss things you are truly passionate about with ease, clarity and elegance capturing your audience
  • travel for business or pleasure and English would be the core communication avenue
  • become more active in your field of expertise, using accurate verbiage
  • be more confident, more assertive in the way you communicate when using English

The above are just but a few examples in showcasing the true underlying reasons for motivating one’s self to learning a language or cultivating their language skills even further.


To help you discover with ease what specific goals you have for beefing up your English, feel free to fill in the following sentence as many times as you like and you will be having a list of clear reasons why it’s time you gain confidence with your English.


Fill in the blank: “You know it’s time to beef up your English when_________________”#beefup (idiom for making something stronger or effective)

English learning is linked to curiosity,  gaining clarity, mastering all skills involved in using the language and of course using the new language skills effectively. Are you curious to discover how you could communicate with confidence in English? Time to fill in the blank in the sentence above!