100th Anniversary of Dadaism in Zurich

Have you heard of Dadaism?

And did you know that the Dada art movement was founded in the heart of Zurich’s old town?

At one century from its inception, we want to have a closer look at this artistic movement. Hugo Ball decided to create a cultural Cabaret, a club where artists could perform, read their work and show their paintings; this is how Café Voltaire started, and the Dada movement was born. Dada? Yes, a nonsense name, which meant “Yes, Yes” in Russian, “A rocking horse” in Romanian, or what children first utter in many languages.

The concept of Dada stands for “starting all over again”, and, as Johannes Gees, Swiss light installation artist and avid Dada supporter, says “Dada was something very special, for me, Dada is where it all began. Art is the tool that I use to communicate with the world, and I enjoy following along the Dada path forged.” 

This year, Zurich is celebrating the centenary of the Dada movement, with events, performances and exhibitions all over the city in honor of all Dada artists. There are many Dada locations around the city to get into the spirit of this particular art movement.

How English can help artists

We fully agree with Johannes Gees that Art is indeed the tool every artist uses to communicate with the world, but sometimes this is not enough. For an Artist, a Designer or a Creator in general, it is important to be able to express himself or herself with ease in a second widely used language. English can act as a medium to carry his or her unique thoughts, perspectives and visions, convey the passion that underlies the artworks to the public, curators and collaborators, enjoy a surge in notoriety and, in turn, in revenues.

As an Artist, you want to translate your own sensory language into a verbal means of communication. As inadequate it may seem compared to a fully immersive experience, a standard language, even more so if widely used worldwide, will support the commercialization of your projects and the communion of your ideas. Like for any other niches, English includes a rich terminology for the artistic realm that will help you

  • provide elaborate descriptions of your genius
  • submit your projects for international competitions
  • present a finished art product to the media
  • spread your work’s message beyond the location you are based at
  • take up teaching and mentoring in the fields of Fine Arts, Design, Architecture, Photography and so on
  • work abroad with other Artists or experts

Are you ready to find your creative voice in English? Then our Special Flavours services are for you. Together we will create the optimal way to use English and be confident in presenting your work internationally, striking fruitful collaborations with others distinguished experts in your field or forging your way to becoming an influential mentor at International Fine Arts institutions.