

Are your e-mail readers happy?

It’s all about e-mail etiquette!


Hi there!

We hope that discovering how to refine your pronunciation with our easy, applicable tips was fun and useful for you! Keep practicing!

Today, we want to tell you all about the art of e-mailing and why you should master it! 

Here are some facts on e-mails!
Did you know that 144.8 billion e-mails are sent worldwide per pay? And an office employee gets through 40 on average, without adding those written and received after work. That means electronic messages are the easiest, most efficient and fastest way of exchanging information with colleagues, friends and family. All you need to do is type in your message and press “send”. That easy.
On the other hand, the demand and stress of sending more and more e-mails may very well mean e-mails are produced in poor writing and less clarity. Spelling and grammar mistakes and appropriate vocabulary are overlooked in favour of doing things fast. But does this make your e-mail contacts happy?

So how can you keep your e-mail readers happy?

Whether you are a native or non-native English speaker, there is a set of specific rules you need to  know if you want to write clear, efficient, and elegant e-mails. Unsure of all you need to know about easy-breazy e-mailing?

Our mini-booster video is ready for you: Four Essential Tips for Clear and Effective Emails.

In this video we share four essential e-mail tips to get you started with:
  • creating appropriate email titles that don’t end up in your contact’s spam folder
  • eliminating any possible grammar mistakes by simplifying your sentences
  • helping your e-mail readers scan through your messages with ease
  • using certain punctuation symbols in the correct way; misuse of punctuation may result in upsetting your e-mail contacts

We have created a GIFT for you that will help you maintain clear communication with your e-mail readers. Go ahead and download your E-Mail Essentials Guide that includes the above four tips plus more input to make you a great e-mail creator!

We hope you will enjoy viewing this video and wish you lots of fun with writing better e-mails that will keep your contacts happy!
No more stress when it’s time to write e-mails in English!

Stay tuned for the next video; we are certain you’ll find it useful!

PS: Have you joined the ProEnglish tribe yet? Connect with other language learners and get notified about upcoming surprises and interesting material for improving your English skills!

See you soon, 